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All bookings are required to be made 24 hours prior to the chosen date/time.
We accept no “ON- THE- DAY” bookings via this online booking form. Please call the Cottage Café on +61 8 9757 5054 (option 1) for on the day bookings.
We undertake all due care with any information which you provide us when accessing our online booking form. However, we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit to us is entirely at your own risk although we do undertake reasonable steps to preserve such information in a secure manner. By using our online booking form you accept the terms of our privacy policy
By using our online booking form you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, actions, liability, damages, costs and expenses including legal fees arising from or in connection with your use of our booking form.
Book a Table
All bookings are required to be made 24 hours prior to the chosen date/time.
We accept no “ON- THE- DAY” bookings via this online booking form. Please call the Cottage Café on +61 8 9757 5054 (option 1) for on the day bookings.
We undertake all due care with any information which you provide us when accessing our online booking form. However, we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit to us is entirely at your own risk although we do undertake reasonable steps to preserve such information in a secure manner. By using our online booking form you accept the terms of our privacy policy
By using our online booking form you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, actions, liability, damages, costs and expenses including legal fees arising from or in connection with your use of our booking form.
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